Russia’s FM Warns against Politicizing Coronavirus Response, WHO Actions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov cautioned other countries against politicizing the coronavirus pandemic and the actions of the World Health Organization (WHO) during an online press conference.

He said the data on the WHO's operations shows that the global health body has acted efficiently in fighting the coronavirus pandemic coordinating a global response to a new threat.

"I would caution against attempting to politicize the issue of the coronavirus (pandemic) - something that can be seen not only with regard to the WHO, but also with regard to accusations against certain countries. I would advise right now to focus on certain steps to stop the pandemic, its spread, and on minimizing the damage it does, first and foremost to the health and lives of people,” said Lavrov, Sputnik reported.

He further stated that many international bodies, such as the G20, BRICS, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Eurasian Economic Union, will have to re-evaluate their activities after the coronavirus pandemic ends.

The minister separately noted that Moscow will review any US requests for more medical equipment and protective gear to fight the pandemic and stressed that this topic was covered in a telephone call between the Russian and American presidents.

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