Saudi Jets Continue Bombing Residential Areas in Yemen’s Ma’rib, Jawf

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Saudi warplanes carried out nearly 27 airstrikes against the Yemeni provinces of Ma’rib and Jawf as the war on the impoverished country continues unabated.

According to Yemen’s Saba news agency, the areas of Khab and al-Sha'af and Hazm in the northern Jawf province were targeted seven times in the past 24 hours.

The report added that the districts of the Medghal, Majzar and Sirwah districts of the central Ma'rib province were also bombarded 20 times by the Saudi military aircraft.

There were no immediate reports about the extent of damage caused and possible casualties.

In a report released on Sunday, Yemen’s Legal Center for Rights and Development, an independent monitoring group, put the civilian death toll in the war-torn Arab country at 16,075. The fatalities, it said, comprise 3,901 children and 2,462 women.

The rights body said the bombings have also wounded 41,476 civilians, including 4,220 children and 3,039 women.

Armed with American and British ammunition and European warplanes, among other Western-supported military hardware, the kingdom launched the campaign against Yemen in March 2015.