4km Queue of People Wait to Collect Food in S. Africa (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A drone captured a 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) queue of people waiting to collect food parcels in Centurion, South Africa, as the country's coronavirus lockdown continues.

The country plans to reopen its agriculture sector and allow some manufacturing to resume May 1.

South Africa has begun to gradually loosen its strict coronavirus, allowing some industries to reopen after five weeks of restrictions that plunged its struggling economy deeper into turmoil.

Winter clothing, textile and packaging manufacturing are among the industries permitted to reopen factories. Restaurants will also open, but only for takeaway deliveries.

Some outside activities such as cycling, walking and running will be allowed - but for just three hours in the morning.

South Africa reported another 297 positive cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, another big jump after cases climbed by their most in single day on Wednesday, bringing the total in the country to 5,647, the health department said in a statement.

The country’s Treasury said on Thursday it saw the economy contracting by 5.8% in 2020, with job losses projected between 3 million and 7 million due to productivity lost to the coronavirus.

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