Iran’s Top Security Official Raps German Blacklisting of Hezbollah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said Germany’s blacklisting of the “heroic” Lebanese Hezbollah has unmasked the true sponsors of terrorism, citing Berlin’s sale of WMDs to Saddam Hussein and its servility to the child-murdering Zionist regime.

In a post on his Twitter account on Friday, Ali Shamkhani lashed out at the German government for designating Hezbollah a terror organization and banning the Lebanese group’s activities in the European country.

Slamming Germany’s action as a “new surprise”, Shamkhani said, “Those who sold Saddam chemical weapons have now become advocates of human rights and are designating the heroic Hezbollah as terrorist, feeling intimidated by their child-murdering friend.”

Paying tribute to Hezbollah for its contribution to the fight against terrorism, the Iranian official said, “Daesh (ISIS) could not reach Europe because it was held off behind the wall of resistance.”

“It’s good that the true sponsors of terrorism are unmasked,” Shamkhani said of Germany and its support for the Zionist regime.

On Thursday, Germany designated the Lebanese Hezbollah a terror organization, banned all of its activities in the European country and ordered raids on sites linked to the Lebanese group.

The German police have raided several mosques and cultural associations linked with Hezbollah.