Dozens Arrested in Chile’s Labor Day Protests (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Police in the Chilean capital Santiago detained more than 50 protesters on Friday, saying they had violated rules intended to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Police and anti-government protesters clashed in Valparaiso during May Day march on Friday despite social distancing restrictions aimed at curbing COVID-19 spread, The Star reported.

Calls to protest on social media warned those who attended the rally to "use gloves, masks and alcohol gel," but police said demonstrators had failed to adhere to a nationwide rule against gatherings of more than 50 people.

Police used water cannons on the protesters who gathered on Plaza Anibal Pinto being being dispersed.

According to posts on social media, the leaders of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) and Agrupacion Nacional de Empleados Fiscales (ANEF) unions were arrested.

The first cases of the virus hit Chile in early March. On Friday, the health officials confirmed 17,008 infections and 234 deaths.