Israeli Annexation of West Bank to Spark New Intifada in Region: Iran’s Top Judge

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Judiciary Chief warned the Israeli regime and the US that annexing parts of the West Bank to the occupied territories will trigger a new Intifada (uprising) in Palestine and the region.

In an address to a Monday meeting of the Judiciary’s Supreme Council, Hojatoleslam Seyed Ebrahim Raeisi denounced the US support for the Israeli regime’s plan for annexation of the West Bank to the occupied territories.

“Such move will definitely create a new Intifada all over the occupied territories and in the region, which will make the US and the occupiers of the holy Quds regret,” the top Iranian judge noted.

He also said that while the issues concerning Palestine and the region used to be resolved at the negotiating table in the past, today the anti-Israeli resistance front and the fighters on the field have developed initiatives and will never allow the evil objectives of the arrogant powers to materialize. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in announcing a deal with his rival Benny Gantz to form a unity government, has set July 1 for the start of cabinet discussions on extending “Israeli sovereignty” to Israeli settlements, illegal under international law, in the occupied West Bank and annexing outright the Jordan Valley.

The Palestinians have already threatened to cancel existing peace agreements if Netanyahu moves forward with his plan, while the European Union foreign policy chief said annexation would be a violation of international law and force the bloc to “act accordingly”. The UN's Middle East envoy said such a step would "ignite" the region.