Kabul Appreciates Medical Support for Afghan Migrants in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan has expressed gratitude to the Islamic Republic for providing humanitarian support and medical services for the Afghan nationals residing in Iran amid the coronavirus epidemic, an Iranian official said.

Director-General of the Iranian Interior Ministry’s Department of Foreign Nationals and Migrants, Mahdi Mahmoudi, said the Islamic Republic’s effective humanitarian measures in the treatment of foreigners infected with the novel coronavirus have drawn appreciation from Kabul.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan has commended the Islamic Republic and the governors of Iran’s border provinces several times for treating Afghan patients and offering humanitarian support to the migrants after the outbreak of COVID-19, he said.

The consulates of Afghanistan in Iran’s provinces of Khorasan Razavi and Sistan and Balouchestan have sent messages of gratitude to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Mahmoudi said, according to the Iranian government’s official website.

The official emphasized that Iran pursues the policy of offering medial services and healthcare support to all people without discrimination, and that foreign citizens infected with coronavirus in Iran receive free treatment at hospitals across the country.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in Iran in February, Afghan migrants and residents in the country have received free medical supplies such as disinfectants, masks and gloves, he said.

According to Mahmoudi, around 6,000 foreign families in Iran have received financial assistance and personal protective kits from the Iranian government, including masks, eyewear, gloves, disinfectants, sanitary gel, and medicines.

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