Iran Cautions US against ‘Foolish Action’ on Venezuela-Bound Oil Tankers

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson warned the US to refrain from any foolish action against the Iranian oil tankers that are carrying fuel to Venezuela, stressing that there is no legal restriction to the legitimate trade between Tehran and Caracas.

In remarks at a press conference on Monday, Seyed Abbas Mousavi denounced the deployment of American warships to the Caribbean Sea with the purpose of disrupting the course of Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela, saying, “Free trade between independent countries is a legitimate affair, and what is illegitimate is the piracy and maritime banditry that is led by the US.”

He also lashed out US President Donald Trump’s administration for disrupting the world order, ignoring the international norms, and seeking global anarchy.

Mousavi warned the US that any action against the Iranian tankers will draw a reaction from Iran, adding, “We hope that the Americans would not take such an unlawful measure.”

The Iranian oil tankers shipping fuel to Venezuela are engaged in legal trade activities, as there is no legal obstacle to such a legitimate trade, he underlined. “The Americans’ dislike for this trade is no reason for taking action (against the Iranian tankers). We hope that the Americans would not take a foolish measure.”

On Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sent a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, warning the US about sending troops to the Caribbean Sea with the aim of interfering with the transfer of Iran’s fuel to Venezuela.

Zarif has stressed that the US must give up bullying on the world stage and respect the rule of international law, especially free shipping in the high seas.