Iran Seeks Peaceful Ties with Neighbors: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Kazem Jalali said the Islamic Republic is interested in forging “good” and “peaceful” relations with its neighbors.

"We are not engaging in expansionism. We want to have good and peaceful relations with all our neighbors," Jalali told Russian media on Monday, TASS reported.  

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said the US and Israel are cultivating anti-Iran sentiment and are trying to get the Iranian issue to the foreground in the Middle East agenda, while the significance of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis is knowingly downplayed by them.

"Regretfully, we see that in today's world the Americans, Israel as well as certain Arab countries are making efforts to remove the Palestinian issue from the primary agenda of the Muslim world, making it a marginal issue. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the Palestinian issue is of priority for the Islamic world," the ambassador explained.

Jalali noted that Iran sees as its duty to back the Palestinian people who ask for support in the settlement of the conflict with Israel.

The envoy also described the so-called ‘deal of the century’ proposed by US President Donald Trump as "absolutely inhumane" towards the Palestinian people.