Iranian Oil Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Coast (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The first Iranian tanker carrying the much needed fuel for Venezuela reached the South American country’s coasts.

The Embassy of Islamic Republic in Venezuela has published a video from the deck of Iranian fuel tanker on its twitter page giving the good news to the people of Venezuela in Spanish.

“The first Iranian tanker reached the Venezuelan coasts. Grateful to the Bolivarian Armed Forces for escorting them,” The Iranian Embassy in Caracas wrote on its official twitter page this morning.

Iran is supplying about 1.53 million barrels of gasoline and alkylate to Venezuela, according to both governments, sources and calculations made by based on the vessels' draft levels.

Iran-flagged tanker Fortune, the first in the flotilla, reached the Venezuelan sea waters on Sunday while being escorted by the country’s navy forces.

Video from a Venezuelan navy helicopter showing the PO-13 Yekuana military vessel is escorting the Iranian tanker