Body Bags Placed outside Trump’s Hotel in Protest at Coronavirus Response (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dozens of black bags, meant to look like the crumpled remains of victims who have perished in the coronavirus pandemic, lined the sidewalk along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, under the gold-plated sign bearing the US president’s name.

The protest was meant to show the activists’ disgust with Trumps lack of attention to the country’s conravirus pandemic condition where more than 100,000 deaths were reported due to the disease, as the organizers of the protest put it in a tweet like this:

“We are outside the Trump International Hotel on the day that we mark 100,000 deaths from #COVID in America.

He is golfing. The @SenateGOP is confirming judges.

But WE ARE HERE in mourning & resistance. #TrumpLiesPeopleDie”

Members of Indivisible Nation BK and Rise and Resist said that they delivery of the body bags on the steps of the Trump International Hotel at Columbus Circle, adding that other protesters held banners that read “Trump Lies, People Die”.