Iraq’s PMU Forces Help Bury Coronavirus Victims in Najaf

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Members of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) help bury the victims of the coronavirus at a special COVID-19 cemetery in the outskirts of Najaf, a report said.

Body bags arriving in ambulances, personnel in full protective suits praying, handling bodies, and burying a victim of COVID-19 were seen at the site on Sunday, Ruptly reported.

As bodies often arrive at night, Hashd al-Sha’abi (PMU) volunteers carry the coffins to the Muslim and Christian graves with the help of vehicles' headlights.

The new graveyard is located next to Wadi Al-Salam Islamic cemetery, believed to be the largest cemetery in the world.

Iraq has seen a recent steady surge in the coronavirus cases. According to Johns Hopkins University, the country tallies so far more than 20,000 cases and 607 deaths related to the virus.

Hashd al-Sha’abi was originally formed to fight the Daesh terrorist group.