Iran, China Weigh Plans to Facilitate Business Trips

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign ministers of Iran and China discussed plans to facilitate trips by the business people of the two countries under the shadow of the coronavirus outbreak.

As part of the constant consultations between Tehran and Beijing, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi held a video conference on Wednesday to discuss the developments in the bilateral relations, an escalation of the US unilateralism, and the latest status of the JCPOA.

In the conference, Zarif stressed the importance of enhancement of the trade ties, and proposed making special arrangements to facilitate visits by the business people of the two countries under the shadow of the coronavirus.

Zarif also lauded China’s successful performance in the fight against the coronavirus, described the reciprocal support provided by the two nations in this regard as a new opportunity for a display of rapport, and praised the Chinese government and nation for their help in the battle with COVID-19.

For his part, the Chinese top diplomat thanked Iran for expressing sympathy for and assisting the Chinese people in the fight against coronavirus.

Zarif further highlighted the strategic comprehensive relations between the two countries, expressing hope that the document on comprehensive cooperation would soon be signed by the two sides.

The top Iranian diplomat also condemned the interference from the US and certain Western states in the internal affairs of China, saying such an approach undermines international stability.

In the video conference, the Iranian and Chinese foreign ministers denounced the US’ bully-style unilateralism, and expressed decisive support for multilateralism and the principles of international law.

Welcoming the proposals for the expansion and facilitation of the bilateral trade ties, the Chinese foreign minister said, “These proposals, especially the reciprocal facilitation of visits by merchants, would be considered immediately.”

Wang Yi also reaffirmed China’s firm support for the JCPOA, pointed to his recent letter to the UN Security Council President and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and stated, “China is opposed to any attempt to change the contents of the JCPOA and the Security Council Resolution 2231, and the US has no right after withdrawal from the JCPOA to resort to the mechanisms planned in this regard.”