US Bans on Iranian Captains Show Failure of Maximum Pressure: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman deplored the US decision to impose sanctions on five Iranian captains who recently delivered fuel to Venezuela, saying the new sanctions show the “miserable failure” of Washington’s so-called maximum pressure against the nation.

“US desperate moves against Iranian individuals - like the one announced by @SecPompeo, aka the #SecretaryofHate – just signal the miserable failure of the so-called 'max pressure'. Despite US pressure, #Iran & #Venezuela remain steadfast in countering unlawful American sanctions,” Seyed Abbas Mousavi tweeted on Thursday.

It came after the United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on five Iranian ship captains who had delivered oil to Venezuela, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reaffirmed Washington's backing for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.  

Speaking at a press conference at the State Department, Pompeo said the ships delivered around 1.5 million barrels of Iranian gasoline and related components and warned any mariners against doing business with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose ouster Washington wants.  

“As a result of today’s sanctions, these captains’ assets will be blocked. Their careers and prospects will suffer from this designation,” Pompeo said in a statement later. “Mariners who are considering work with Iran and Venezuela should understand that aiding these oppressive regimes is simply not worth the risk,” he said.  

Iran supplied 1.5 million barrels of fuel to Venezuela last month amid a collapse of refinery operations and tightening sanctions by the United States that has made it more difficult for Venezuela to obtain fuel on international markets.