White Couple Videoed Pointing Guns at Anti-Racism Protesters in Missouri

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A man and woman have been filmed pointing guns at protesters marching for police reform in St Louis, US state of Missouri.

Footage from a march to the residence of St Louis Mayor Lyda Krewsdon shows a man pointing a rifle at protesters while a woman waves a handgun in the air.

The incident happened on Portland Place, which is a private street in the city.

The demonstration was over a now-deleted video where Mayor Krewson read out the names and addresses of people in favor of defunding the local police department.

US President Donald Trump courted controversy again on Monday by retweeting news footage of the white couple in St Louis who pointed guns at protesters.

The US president’s action came a day after he retweeted footage of protesters clashing in Florida in which a Trump supporter could be heard to say: “White power! White power!”