US in No Position to Define Terrorism: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian administration hit back at the US government for accusing Iran of sponsoring terrorism, saying the "criminal" US regime lacks the legal and moral competence to define the examples of terrorism.

Speaking at a weekly press conference on Tuesday, Ali Rabiee said the US government “is in no legal or moral position to define the examples of terrorism, and no global authority has entitled the US government to do so either.”

Highlighting Iran’s leading role in the war on terrorism and its efforts to contain the spread of terrorism in the world, the spokesman said, “We believe, and the world is also noticing that not only has this (US) administration supported the terrorist groups and terrorist regimes and sponsors of terrorism, it is also a terrorist itself.”

“The clearest aspect of terrorism is the assassination of our commander who was martyred. It (the US) has assassinated a person in another country and then admits to it brazenly,” Rabiee added, referring to the American assassination of Lt. General Qassem Soleimani in ‌Iraq.

“I believe that the US government’s objective is to mount pressure on people of Iran under various pretexts, and I advise the media professionals to read (memoirs of) Bolton. The documents obtained from the memoirs of Bolton reveal Trump’s delusions,” the spokesperson noted, according to the Iranian administration’s website.

“He (Trump) says ‘I will put pressure and will force the Iranian authorities with such pressure to surrender to my demands. I would victimize a nation, I would cause misery to a nation, I would cause suffering to a nation, so that they would give in to my demands.’ I believe that everybody knows that we –as I’m reiterating, it is mainly for the foreign audience, because our own people are aware- have been the biggest enemy of the terrorist and extremist groups in the region, and we have paid a heavy price for this battle,” Rabiee stated.

“We believe that if the US had not sponsored terrorism, it would have not been necessary for hundreds of thousands of people in our region to be displaced and killed. Part of the spread of terrorism has been caused by the US’ dual policies,” he underlined.

“I believe that the factor that has prevented the expansion of terrorist current in the region and its spread to the world has been Iran. We have paid a heavy price for this,” the spokesman noted.

“General Soleimani was the person who contributed to security in our region more than everybody else. Anyway, the US’ claims, the US’ internal affairs, and the things that are being revealed today show how groundless they (the US claims) are, as we, not only us, but also the entire world, is facing an unbalanced phenomenon. We will protect our country’s independence and dignity and we’ll definitely get through this juncture,” he concluded.