Yemen to Unveil New Ballistic Missile: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Yemeni military official said his country is going to unveil a new type of ballistic missiles in the near future.

Deputy Director of Yemen’s Department of Moral Guidance for Media Affairs, Brigadier Abdullah bin Amer, said the Yemeni military forces will unveil a new type of ballistic missiles in the near future at the appropriate time, according to Yemen's al-Masirah news network.

On a recent large-scale military operation that Yemen launched against Saudi military bases in the kingdom’s Abha, Jizan and Najran with ballistic missiles and drones, the official said the Yemeni defending forces used to fire only a single type of ballistic missile in the past, while they have used several different missiles and drones in the most recent attack.

Bin Amer underlined that Yemenis have hit only military targets inside Saudi Arabia in response to the enemy’s continuous acts of aggression.

Since the enemy is tightening the blockade of Yemen, the armed forces are duty bound to launch military operations to break the blockade, he added.

“The Yemeni armed forces’ strategic target is to end the enemy’s aggression and break the siege. Our operations are not blind and we do not target civilians. But the confusion of the enemy’s defense systems results in their own casualties,” he added.

The brigadier finally noted that Yemen has evidence proving that the Saudi-led coalition’s fighter jets themselves have bombed the parking lot at Abha airport.

The Yemeni military operation came after Saudi fighter jets on Sunday pounded Yemen’s Washhah district in Hajjah, leaving ten civilians dead and two others injured.

The coalition invaded Yemen in 2015. Since then, over 100,000 people have been killed, according to the US-based Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).