IRGC Captures MKO Terrorists in South Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ intelligence forces have arrested a team of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iran’s southern province of Fars, a commander said.

The team of MKO terrorists had entered the Fars Province in order to carry out acts of sabotage, deputy chief of the public relations department of the IRGC office in the province said.

Colonel Jalal Yarmohammadi said the terrorists had plans for acts of sabotage on the anniversary of passing away of Imam Khomeini (June 3), but were arrested before any terrorist activity.

Legal procedures are underway after the arrest of members of the terrorist team, he noted.

The official also underlined that the activities of all hostile and terrorist groups are being fully monitored by the IRGC intelligence units.