Zarif: Iran Attaches Importance to Protection of Iraq’s Sovereignty

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reaffirmed Iran’s support for neighboring Iraq in the fight against terrorism, stressing the significance of efforts to prevent the violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.

The Iranian Foreign Minister, who is in Baghdad for a one-day visit, held a joint press conference with his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein on Sunday after two rounds of talks.

In the conference, Zarif said Tehran is delighted to have supported Baghdad in the fight against terrorism, which is the common enemy of humanity.

It is necessary to hold talks about regional and international issues, since the region requires calm, he added.

Zarif also said the US assassination of top Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was a great loss to the war on terrorism.

It is highly significant for Iran that Iraq’s sovereignty is not violated, Zarif underlined, calling for vigilance to combat the constant threat posed by the Daesh terrorist group.

He also called for the enhancement of economic ties between Tehran and Baghdad, saying the two neighbors will work on various joint plans such as shipping industry, maritime border, and connection of the railroad networks.

For his part, the foreign minister of Iraq said he and Zarif have discussed the economic interaction between the two neighbors and the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on the economic ties.

“We share the view that it is necessary to support Iraq’s sovereignty,” Hussein noted, adding that Zarif has emphasized that a strong Iraq would contribute to a strong region.

“We must keep the region and Iraq away from the international tensions and support Iraq’s sovereignty,” he stressed, noting that Baghdad seeks “balanced ties” with its neighboring states.

The top Iranian diplomat has visited Baghdad to make arrangements for Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s upcoming trip to Tehran.

Zarif is going to visit Erbil in the afternoon at the invitation of President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani.