Eating Cabbage Could Reduce Risk of Coronavirus: Study

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Now, a new study suggests that eating cabbage may also be beneficial against the coronavirus along with regularly washing hands and wearing a face mask.

The study, by researchers from Montpellier University in France, found that cabbage, cucumbers and Kimchi could help people to build up a resistance to the virus, Mirror reported.

Dr. Jean Bousquet, who led the study, said: “Little attention has been given to the spread and severity of the virus, and regional differences in diet, but diet changes may be of great benefit.

“Nutrition may play a role in the immune defense against COVID-19 and may explain some of the differences seen in COVID-19 across Europe.

“I have now changed my diet, and it includes raw cabbage three times a week, sauerkraut once a week, and pickled vegetables.

“Understanding these differences, and protective factors, like diet, but many others too, is of paramount importance, and may eventually help to control these epidemics.”

In the study, the researchers looked at the coronavirus death rates and diets around in the world.

Their analysis revealed that Bulgaria, Greece and Romania - countries where cabbage is popular - had the lowest death rates.

In their study, published on BioMed Central, the researchers explained: “Although it is difficult to compare health systems and death reporting across European countries, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania have very low death rates.

“This might also be associated with diet since cabbage (Romania) and fermented milk (Bulgaria and Greece) are common foods. The latter food is a known ACE natural inhibitor.

“Turkey, another apparently low-death rate country, also consumes a lot of cabbage and fermented milk products.”

While the findings raise hopes about a possible link between coronavirus risk and diet, the researchers highlight that further research is needed.

They added: “Diet represents only one of the possible causes of the COVID-19 epidemic and its importance needs to be better assessed.”