Daesh Attack Kills 5 in Northern Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Five people were killed in an attack by Daesh in Iraq’s northern Salahuddin province on Saturday, according to a local military source.

Daesh militants attacked the home of the mayor of Semum village, north of Salahuddin, killing him and four other people, including his two sons, the source said on condition of anonymity, Anadolu Agency reported.

In recent months, suspected Daesh terrorists have stepped up attacks, particularly in the area between Kirkuk, Salahuddin and Diyala.

In 2017, Iraq declared victory over Daesh by reclaiming all of its territory – about a third of the country’s area – invaded by the terrorist group in 2014. However, the terrorist group still maintains sleeper cells in large areas of Iraq and periodically launches attacks.

The Iraqi army continues to carry out operations against the terror group in these parts of the country.