Iran, Asian Nations Discuss Ways to Tackle Challenges in Rural Areas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) along with its 46 member nations convened a conference to provide an inclusive platform to examine ways forward to strengthen the resilience of agro-food systems and livelihoods amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Represented by Alimorad Sarafrazi, the Acting-Head of Public Relations and International Affairs Center of the Iranian Ministry of Agriculture Jahad,  Ambassador Mohammad Hossein Emadi, Iran Permanent Envoy to FAO and Ali Kiani Rad, the Head of Iran’s Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute, the Iranian delegation shared its concerns regarding the increasing challenges the agriculture sector faces at both regional and global scales, particularly highlighting the adverse effects of climate change, the lack of knowledge-loaded agricultural practices, low-skilled workforce, the prevalence of poverty in rural communities and youth emigrations.

Engaging actively in the discussions held on solutions strategies, the Iranian delegation underscores the need to increase the investment in food systems and promoting the utilisation of digital technologies in this sector, as the two key factors to boost both productivity and sustainability of agricultural activities.

According to a press release published by FAO Representation in Iran, The 35th session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, organised virtually from 1 to 4 September 2020, is focused on, among other things, the impact of COVID-19 on food and agriculture; setting regional priorities to manage water for agriculture under conditions of water scarcity; building sustainable and resilient food systems; harnessing innovation and digital agriculture and implementing FAO’s Hand-in-Hand Initiative – as an evidence-based, country-led and country-owned programme forged to accelerate the agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development to eradicate poverty, and end hunger and all forms of malnutrition across the region.

Home to more than half a billion of the world’s undernourished people, Asia and the Pacific region due to COVID-19-linked lockdowns is experiencing an economic slowdown, widespread job losses, collapsing incomes, and falling remittances that further threatened the food security and increased the acute hunger in the region.

These circumstances require collective efforts and FAO and its national counterparts call on all stakeholders and interests groups to link the arms to tackle these converging challenges in the Asia and the Pacific.