Iran Geared Up for Runoff Parliamentary Vote under COVID-19 Protocols

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran is going to hold the runoff elections for the parliamentary seats in nine provinces on coming Friday in full compliance with the health protocols for containing the coronavirus pandemic.

Spokesperson for the Elections Headquarters, Esmail Mousavi, announced on Monday that the runoff parliamentary elections will be held on September 11 in the provinces of East Azarbaijan, Isfahan, Ilam, Alborz, Zanjan, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, and Golestan.

He also noted that strict health protocols have been formulated by the Health Ministry and the Guardian Council to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, saying all polling stations will be disinfected on the eve of the election.

The spokesman also asked voters to wear face masks and sanitary gloves at the polling stations.

The administration’s spokesman, Ali Rabiee, announced in August that the elections would be preceded by week-long campaigns, which must be conducted without any gatherings in compliance with the health protocols.

The runoff parliamentary elections in Tehran and two other cities will be held next year with the nationwide presidential and city council elections.