US Unprecedentedly Isolated at UNSC: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian government highlighted the country’s victory over the US after the UN Security Council rejected the US call for the re-imposition of sanctions on Tehran.

Speaking to IRNA on Tuesday, Ali Rabiei highlighted the humiliating defeat that the US suffered in its bid to trigger the so-called snapback mechanism of the JCPOA to re-impose the sanctions against Iran.

The US has become greatly isolated as all UN Security Council members and the world nations maintain that Washington’s bid to re-impose the UNSC sanctions on Iran has no legal basis, he added.

“From the viewpoint of us and the international community, the US’ unilateral claim would not entail any legal consequence and is not important to the United Nations Member States at all,” Rabiei noted.

The spokesman then lashed out at the US for returning to the policy of “bullying” after it failed to achieve its objectives in the political arena through legal procedures.

The US must have received the signal that the world is changing, Rabiei noted, adding, “Because of the short-sighted policies of Trump and the partners, the United States itself is the first victim of such change in the international system.”

Even the three European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal, which are Washington’s main allies, have once again made it clear that the US has no right to re-impose the anti-Iranian sanctions, deemed to be null and void, he added.

The American presence in the West Asia region, from Afghanistan to Palestine, has left a failed legacy of devastation that has harmed the regional nations, the spokesman deplored.

Trump’s efforts to verify the policy of bullying in the US’ unilateral agenda has suffered a heavy defeat and reached the end of the line, Rabiei added.

Highlighting Iran’s success to prevent a crisis-creating Western consensus and reduce the all-out political pressures, the spokesman said, “With a strategic view of the developments, we consider it as a victory for the Islamic Republic.”

The results of the US isolation in the international system would become visible in future, he added, saying nobody believed until recently that the US would be all alone in the UN Security Council, which it controlled for decades.

“From the day one (after signing the JCPOA), the US wanted to sanction us to make us leave the JCPOA and mobilize world support to impose the sanctions on (Iranian) people with the world, but now it has to act alone after a failed attempt,” he added, according to the government’s website.

Iran is aware of the “adventurist techniques” used by the US presidents, Rabiei noted.

“When the international community nixes the US measures such clearly, this could mean a legal dissolution of the sanctions regime,” he concluded.