Poll: Biden Maintains 5-Point Lead Ahead of First Presidential Debate

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a 5-point lead over President Trump in a new Hill-HarrisX national poll ahead of the first presidential debate on Tuesday.

Forty-five percent of registered voters in the Sept. 22-25 survey say they'd vote for Biden if the election were held today, no change from the most recent national poll conducted Sept. 19-21.

Forty percent said the same of Trump, also showing no movement from last week.

Three percent of respondents said they'd vote for someone else and another 3 percent said they do not plan to vote, a 1 percent point dip for each category.

Eight percent of voters remain unsure, a 1 percentage point increase from last poll.

The RealClear Politics average shows Biden with a 6.8 percentage point lead over Trump.

The survey found an 11 percentage point gender gap, with 35 percent of women supporting Biden and 46 percent of men supporting Trump.

Among suburban voters in the Sept. 22-25 survey, 45 percent said they'd cast their ballots for Biden on Election Day while 40 percent said the same of Trump.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 2,768 registered voters between Sept. 22-25. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.86 percentage points.