Iran Urges Armenia, Azerbaijan to Stop Fighting, Hold Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan to show self-restraint and cease armed clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh, saying Iran is prepared to play a “constructive role” amid the skirmishes.

In a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on Wednesday, Rouhani underlined that fighting is definitely not the solution to the problems and disputes between Yerevan and Baku.

Highlighting the significant and age-old relations that Iran has held with both Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of common history and culture, the president expressed the Islamic Republic’s readiness to play any constructive role acceptable to its two friends and neighbors.

“Our wish is an immediate end to the clashes, as all of us should try to settle the region’s problems politically and through international regulations,” Rouhani added.

“Stability and security could lay the foundation for development, and our region cannot stand instability and a new war,” he underlined, noting that the decades-old dispute between Armenian and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh requires a solution in compliance with the international law and the territorial integrity of the parties.

Calling for a halt to the armed clashes between the two neighboring states, Rouhani urged Yerevan and Baku to act prudently and show self-restraint.

The Iranian president also warned that any foreign interference in the conflict would only aggravate the situation and drag out the clashes and tensions.

For his part, Pashinyan said he welcomes any practical initiative for the cessation of violence.

The Armenian prime minister also noted that any tension and conflict would be detrimental to all regional countries.

He voiced concern about foreign interference in his country’s disputes with Azerbaijan.

The military forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan started a new round of clashes over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh on Sunday, the heaviest fighting between the two countries in years.

Iran has repeatedly asked the two neighbors to cease hostilities and hold negotiations to resolve the dispute peacefully.