China Calls for Elimination of US Unilateral Measures against Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying condemned Washington’s recent sanctions on Iran, saying the bans pose a direct threat to ordinary people’s life and health due to the continued spread of the COVID-19.

“The US arbitrary unilateral economic blockade & financial sanctions on #Iran & other countries undermine their capability to develop economy & improve livelihood and affect the basic human rights of innocent civilians, including women, children, the elderly & the disabled,” Hua said in a recent tweet.

“With COVID19 still spreading, the US restrictions on transportation of medical supplies pose a direct threat to people's life & health. China once again calls for the elimination of unilateral compulsory measures on Iran,” she added.

On Thursday, the Trump administration announced it had imposed new sanctions on Iran’s financial sector in defiance of Washington’s European allies who warned of the humanitarian consequences of the sanctions on Iran’s fight against the coronavirus.

The new sanctions target the few remaining Iranian banks which were not subject to secondary sanctions.

In a tweet, US State Secretary Mike Pompeo announced that the United States is sanctioning 18 major Iranian banks and identifying Iran’s financial sector.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the US is seeking to blow up Iran’s remaining channels to pay for food and medicine.