Azerbaijan Says It Destroyed Several Armenian Missile Systems

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The armed forces of Azerbaijan destroyed several Armenian theater ballistic missile (TBM) systems early on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan said in its Telegram channel.

According to the statement, Azerbaijani servicemen detected several Armenian TBM missile systems on the border with the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic at 01:00 local time on Wednesday, TASS reported.

"The missile systems, deployed in this area, were aimed at civilian population and infrastructure in Ganja, Mingachevir and other Azerbaijani cities," the statement says, adding that the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan destroyed them to prevent a missile strike on its territory.

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The area experienced flare-ups of violence in the summer of 2014, in April 2016 and this past July. Azerbaijan and Armenia have imposed martial law and launched mobilization efforts. Both parties to the conflict have reported casualties, among them civilians.

At the talks held at Russia’s initiative in Moscow, Baku and Yerevan agreed a ceasefire, which came into effect at 12:00 local time on October 10 for humanitarian reasons in order to exchange detainees and the bodies of those killed in the fighting. However, both sides traded blame for violating the ceasefire agreement.