Poll: Trump Trails Biden in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ties in Florida

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Former US Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump in Pennsylvania and Michigan while tying in Florida, a new Hill-Harris poll finds.

In Pennsylvania, Biden leads Trump among likely voters by 5 percentage points, at 51 and 46 percent, respectively.

Biden holds a larger lead in Michigan, at 54 and 43 percent, respectively.

The two candidates are tied in Florida at 48 percent support each.

The Oct. 12-15 survey found that swing state voters believe the two top issues facing the country today are the coronavirus pandemic and the economy.

The poll found that voters favor Biden over Trump when it came to the coronavirus, however, Trump curries more favor on the issue of the economy.

The Hill-Harris battleground polls were conducted online between Oct. 12-15 among 965, 1,289 and 992 likely voters in Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania, respectively.

Results were weighted among registered voters for age within gender, region, race/ethnicity, income, education, political party and political ideology where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the population and then filtered by likely voters.