Turkey Withdraws from Base in Northwest Syria, Sources Say (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkey is withdrawing troops from a military post in northwest Syria that was surrounded by Syrian forces last year, sources familiar with the operation said on Monday.

The observation post at Morek was one of a dozen set up by Turkish soldiers in 2018.

Morek and several other Turkish posts were surrounded last year by advancing Syrian forces.

Turkish officials have in the past ruled out pulling back from a single observation post, but the sources said there was no longer any military value in staying at Morek, Reuters reported.

The withdrawal from the exposed position would take several days, the report said, describing it as part of Turkish efforts to “consolidate ceasefire lines” reached in a March agreement with Russia which halted the heaviest fighting in years around Idlib.

Two other sources familiar with the operation, who asked not to be named, said the withdrawal started early on Monday. “The Turkish armed forces are not considering evacuating another observation post at this stage,” one of them said.