China Hails Termination of UN Arms Bans, Affirms Commitment to JCPOA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – China hailed the termination of the UN Security Council (UNSC) arms embargo against Iran, stressing that Beijing will continue its cooperation with the remaining parties to the 2015 nuclear deal to preserve and fully implement it.

“According to #UNSCR2231, on Oct.18, arms transfer restrictions & travel bans on Iran expires, marking the completion of the 1st phase of implementation of UNSCR 2231. This arrangement, clearly stipulated in the UNSC resolution, should be faithfully implemented,” China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna tweeted on Tuesday.

It added, “China remains committed to the JCPOA, and will work w/ all parties to continue maintaining the steady follow-up implementation of the JCPOA & UNSCR 2231, in a joint endeavor to push forward the political & diplomatic settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue”.

Under the Iran nuclear deal, it was agreed eventually that the UN arms embargo on the country would be lifted five years after the Adoption Day of the JCPOA on October 17, 2015.

This came to an end on October 18, 2020, which prompted Iran to issue an official statement declaring the termination of the arms embargo.

The US government, under President Donald Trump, suffered a humiliating defeat on August 14 as it failed to renew the arms embargo through a resolution at the UN Security Council.