Sanctions Have Failed to Break Us, Iran’s President Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the US sanctions have failed to achieve their desired effects and “break us”.

“The sanctions have impacted people (’s lives), but have failed to break us,” Rouhani said in remarks on Thursday.

People should know that the sanctions have not affected the development projects in Iran, he added.

“I am pretty sure that our people will overcome the existing problems,” the Iranian president further said.

The current US administration returned the sanctions that the previous regime had lifted. Washington took the move after leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a historic nuclear agreement that has mandated the sanction relief.

US President Donald Trump has been trying to justify the campaign under its signature Iran policy of “maximum pressure.” His administration has also snubbed an International Court of Justice order on it to suspend coercive economic measures against food and medicine as well as other vital items such as plane parts.

Washington, meanwhile, keeps alleging that foodstuffs and medicinal products are exempt from the inhumane bans, a claim that Tehran strongly rejects.