Iranian Speaker Urges Muslim Countries’ Concerted Action against COVID-19

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said the Islamic Republic has taken effective measures to contain the COVID-19 crisis despite the “cruel” US sanctions, adding that Muslim nations can turn this threat into an opportunity by boosting their solidarity and cooperation.

“Today, the world is grappling with COVID-19. We all know that the crisis is not merely a health issue, as it has created various challenges for world nations in the social, political, economic, and cultural fields,” Qalibaf said on Thursday in a virtual address to the 34th edition of the Islamic Unity Conference.

He added that Muslim nations can turn this threat into an opportunity by boosting their solidarity and cooperation to fight the viral disease.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the parliament speaker hailed Iran’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, saying, “Valuable and effective measures have been taken in the past eight months (to tackle the spread of the virus) despite the cruel sanctions imposed on the country by rogue US rulers”.

The current US administration returned the sanctions that the previous regime had lifted. Washington took the move after leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a historic nuclear agreement that has mandated the sanction relief.

US President Donald Trump has been trying to justify the campaign under its signature Iran policy of “maximum pressure.” His administration has also snubbed an International Court of Justice order on it to suspend coercive economic measures against food and medicine as well as other vital items such as plane parts.

Washington, meanwhile, keeps alleging that foodstuffs and medicinal products are exempt from the inhumane bans, a claim that Tehran strongly rejects.