American Analyst: People Want Electoral College Abolished

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst deplored US election system, saying, "As to the Electoral College people have been wanting that abolished for a long time."

“President Trump has been encouraging violence all along. He’s been talking about the elections being fraudulent, being rigged. He has called in the middle of the night for the election to stop counting the votes, which is unethical, as this is what democracy is supposed to be you count the votes until you finish counting them, given whatever limits the state requires.” Myles Hoenig, who ran for the US Congress in 2016 as a Green Party candidate, told Tasnim.

In a speech to supporters at the White House early Wednesday morning, Trump said he had won the race against Democratic nominee Joe Biden even as millions of votes had yet to be counted. He also claimed he would seek action by the Supreme Court to stop fraud, implicitly threatening the continued counting of ballots.

“This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said in remarks from the East Room of the White House, later adding, “We want all voting to stop.”

Trump’s remarks came as several battleground states remained too close to call.

Speaking to Tasnim about the US elections, Hoeing said, "It wouldn't be fair to make a prediction as to who will win Pennsylvania but one can say that the trend is moving towards Joe Biden. We see that not just in Pennsylvania but we see it in other states like Wisconsin and Michigan and even Georgia. Mail-in ballots that are being counted now have been leaning heavily towards the Democrats. the reason being, Democrats have long believed that covid-19 is a serious Issue and they took it seriously so they decided for the most part to mail in their ballots, where as Republicans because of President Trump's ignorant called for no masks almost by being at the rallies and everybody crunched together he has encouraged that therefore he is encouraged people to go to the polls on Tuesday and vote."

"So most of the people who have voted yesterday or more likely to be Republicans with a mix because clearly we're seeing that the Democrats and the Republicans are voting in person the way the states have always voted for the most part."

"Now we have the upper States, the Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and now Georgia and Arizona and Nevada still need to be counted. So the trend is towards Biden especially in Pennsylvania. There are about a million votes left to be counted for mail-in ballots the trend has been about 75% of these ballots in the other states going to the Democrats. Therefore with about a million ballots still to be counted. 75% will put Biden over the 600,000 margin that he is losing at the moment," Hoeing added.

"Now the question is will there be violence? President Trump has been encouraging violence all along. he's been talking about the elections being fraudulent, being rigged. he has called in the middle of the night for the election to stop counting the votes, which is unethical, as this is what democracy is supposed to be you count the votes until you finish counting them, given whatever limits the state requires," he noted.

"He has encouraged his thugs to attack the Democrats. He approves of the attacks that have already happened when the Biden bus was nearly rammed off the road and another car was hit. he praised that. He has always been one to support violence and intimidation against his opponents."

"As to the Electoral College people have been wanting that abolished for a long time. The last with 2016 it was a clear reason to do that since Hillary Clinton did win the majority. We’ll see now will trump win the majority vote and lose the Electoral? How ironic that would be? Would people still be calling for an end to the Electoral College? The American public the political public is very fickle in that regard. So it may be another instance where people are riled up to support the abolition of the Electoral College or the issue could go away if it works in the democrats favor. We don't know how it's going to go."

"So whether it’ll be Pennsylvania where it'll go. The trend does lean towards Biden as it does in Michigan and Wisconsin where he's already ahead. But still votes are needed to be counted. Nevada and Arizona, Arizona has been called by some media Outlets but not by all and Georgia. So we really don't know about Pennsylvania because it's very much like the other states," Hoeing noted.

"Will there be violence? Trump encourages that hopefully not only because we really didn't see any voter intimidation during the selection process like we had expected, so maybe that's a good sign and as to the Electoral College is hit-and-miss, whether or not the American people in Congress will pushed to abolish it. Those are my thoughts on yesterday's election will see what happens there after."