Iran Raps Western Hate Speeches

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran’s representative at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly decried a recent surge in hate-mongering speeches by the Western politicians as a serious threat to human rights.

Addressing a virtual meeting of the UN committee on Thursday evening, Mohammad Zare’ian expressed concern about the hateful remarks recently made by politicians in the West.

The Islamic Republic fully believes in freedom of speech but not the sort that incites hatred against others, he emphasized.

“Muslims, migrant communities and Africans have been the target of dangerous rhetoric, which is a flagrant abuse of freedom of expression,” the Iranian diplomat noted.

“We also express our serious concern about the increase in insults to Muslim sanctities in Western countries,” Zare’ian added, according to Press TV.

The Iranian representative also censured as “illegal and inhumane” the imposition of unilateral sanctions against countries, and said the restrictive measures “openly target the daily lives of ordinary citizens without discrimination and are designed to undermine any achievement of social development.”

The Iranian diplomat said the implementation of unilateral and coercive measures continues to fundamentally violate the human rights of all countries, and that “such sanctions, due to their extraterritorial nature and their illegal application outside national borders, also undermine human rights across the world.”