Pro-Trump Protesters in Detroit Decry Vote-Counting (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supporters of US President Donald Trump took to the streets of Detroit on Friday, decrying what they called a 'steal' of votes in the Michigan State.

Pro-Trump protesters — some of them openly carrying rifles and handguns — rallied outside vote-tabulation centers in a few cities around the US Friday, responding to groundless accusations from President Donald Trump that the Democrats were trying to steal the White House.

Elections officials in several states where Democrat Joe Biden was ahead said the anger outside their doors made them fear for the safety of their employees.

Roughly 100 Trump supporters gathered for a third straight day in front of the elections center in Phoenix, where hundreds of workers were processing and counting ballots.

"Arrest the poll workers!" the crowd chanted, demanding four more years in office for Trump. Sheriff's deputies kept protesters in a "free speech" zone away from the entrance to the building.

"When we start auditing some of these voter rolls, their fraud may actually be exposed," conservative activist Charlie Kirk told the crowd, eliciting cheers.

In Detroit, dozens of Trump supporters returned to the streets outside the city's convention center, where election workers counted ballots.

"Stop the steal!" the protesters chanted. Some carried signs that read, "Make Elections Fair Again" and "We Love Trump." Police cordoned off streets leading to the building and maintained a close watch on the protest.

The county treasurer in Detroit, Eric Sabree, said he had closed his office because of threats. In a statement, Sabree said the decision was made "in the interest of the safety of taxpayers and our staff" and because of "credible information" from the sheriff's office.