Iran Not Expecting Shift in US Policies under Biden, VP Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri tamped down expectations on a change in the US government’s policies towards Iran during the term of the next US president.

In remarks on Monday, Jahangiri emphasized that a new US president taking office at the White House does not mean a change in Washington’s major policies on the Iranian nation.

“However, Trump’s hostility toward the Iranian nation was unprecedented and had been shaped under the influence of Zionists, Saudis, and hardline groups in the US,” he added.

Pointing to the failure of an economic war that the Trump administration launched on Iran with the purpose of causing the collapse of the Islamic Republic, Jahangiri said the Iranian nation adopted the policy of resistance against the US’ maximum pressure.

“The tenure of Trump is over, but the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nation and establishment continue to be glorious,” he added.

In comments on Sunday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the global rejection of the harmful policies the US government has adopted over the past three years, saying the next US administration has an opportunity to correct the mistakes and return to the international law.

He reiterated that the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to the policy of constructive interaction with the world and always carries out its commitments if all parties honor theirs responsibly.