Trump Supporters Face Off Rival Protesters in Washington DC (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Donald Trump’s supporters faced off against counter-demonstrators during a rally outside the White House.

Fans of Trump were making their way down Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC, on Friday afternoon when they came up against crowds of left-wing activists brandishing signs ridiculing Trump over his election loss.

Many of Trump's supporters are in the US capital for the planned 'Million MAGA March' set to take place on Saturday.

Right-wing groups including the Proud Boys plan to rally at Freedom Plaza at noon on Saturday to support Trump's unfounded claims of widespread election fraud, and march from there to the Supreme Court.

Left-wing groups also have announced plans for massive counter-protests, including Refuse Fascism and the They/Them Collective, which describes itself as an 'anarchist abolitionist collective.'

Officers were deployed to the area to separate them from a rival group of protesters as tensions occasionally ran high. Security has been beefed up in Washington, DC, as supporters of Trump and his opponents announced large rallies for the weekend.