Hogan Ramps Up Criticism of Trump: 'Stop Golfing, Concede'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, one of Donald Trump’s most vocal GOP critics, stepped up his calls for the US president to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden on Sunday after Trump attacked Hogan on Twitter.

Trump on Sunday tweeted a link to a Breitbart story about flaws with some of the coronavirus tests Hogan ordered from South Korea in the spring when Maryland — like many states — was forced to compete with the rest of the US and other nations for limited supplies. The president called Hogan a "RINO," or "Republican in Name only," and said the governor was "just as bad as the flawed tests he paid big money for."

“If you had done your job, America's governors wouldn't have been forced to fend for themselves to find tests in the middle of a pandemic, as we successfully did in Maryland,” Hogan tweeted in response. “Stop golfing and concede,” he added, The Hill reported.

Hogan is one of a handful of Republican governors, along with Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Mike DeWine of Ohio, who have criticized the president’s refusal to acknowledge the results of the election and called on him to concede to Biden.

“We were the most respected country with respect to elections, and now we’re beginning to look like we’re a banana republic,” Hogan said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “It’s time for them to stop the nonsense. It just gets more bizarre every single day, and, frankly, I’m embarrassed that more people in the party aren’t speaking up.”