Israeli Troops Kidnap 7 Palestinians in Al-Quds, Al-Khalil

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli forces kidnaped five Palestinian citizens in Jerusalem al-Quds and two others in the West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron).

According to local sources in the holy city, Israeli troops in a recent raid kidnaped a teenager called Abdul-Rahman al-Bashiti from al-Wad street in the Old City of Jerusalem al-Quds, The Palestinian Information Center reported.

The forces also kidnapped two teenagers during a campaign in at-Tur town in east Jerusalem al-Quds.

Another al-Quds citizen identified as Ahmed Abu Ghazala and his wife were also kidnaped from their home in Bab Huta neighborhood in the Old City.

In al-Khalil, two young men were reportedly kidnaped by the regime’s forces near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City.

Eyewitnesses said that soldiers forced the young men to remove their clothes in the cold weather and lie face down on the ground before arresting them on allegations of finding a knife in their possession.