Restoring JCPOA Will Be in Interest of International Community, US Prof. Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American university professor believes that reviving the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and the world and getting Washington and Tehran back on speaking terms will be in the interest of Iran, the US, and the international community.

“…it is in the interest of Iran, the US and the international community to restore the JCPOA, relax or end the sanctions and return to some kind of rapprochement,” Robert C. Smith, a professor of political science at San Francisco State University, told Tasnim in an interview.

Following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: As you know the US withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018. Don’t you think that Iran’s hasty return to talks with Washington would be deemed as a sign of weakness? and this way the Biden administration will not compensate for the damage Trump has done?

Smith: It may appear to be a sign of weakness, but it is in the interest of Iran, the US and the international community to restore the JCPOA, relax or end the sanctions and return to some kind of rapprochement. It will be difficult for Biden to find broad support for compensating Iran.

Tasnim: It seems that certain regional states, including Saudi Arabia, and also Israel, are opposed to any form of rapprochement between Iran and the US. They have reportedly pressured Joe Biden not to rejoin the JCPOA. Why? What are your thoughts on this?

Smith: Saudi Arabia and Israel opposed the JCPOA, and any kind of stable relations between the US and Iran, from the perspective of their strategic interests in the region but their interests are not US interests.

Tasnim: Do you believe that Republicans and Democrats really differ on their policy towards Iran and the Middle East?

Smith: There is quite a bit of sameness between the Democrats and Republicans on Middle East policy, but within the Democratic Party there is an important faction that favors a more even-handed approach toward Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinians. It will exercise some influence on Biden administration.