Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assassinated Near Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated near Tehran on Friday.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a scientist involved in Iran’s nuclear industry, was assassinated by unknown attackers after clash with his bodyguards near Tehran on Friday, according to Tasnim dispatches.

Raja News said in a report that the top scientist has been assassinated in Absard county near Damavand, 60 km east of Tehran.

Fakhrizadeh was reportedly the only Iranian scientist that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had cited in a program. The Zionist regime’s media say several assassination attempts to kill him had failed in the past years.

Reports suggest that the assassins had detonated another vehicle before shooting at the car carrying Fakhrizadeh.

A number of people have been killed in the incident, the identity of whom is still unknown.

A number of relatives of Fakhrizadeh were reportedly accompanying him at the time of assassination.