Trump Humiliated on Social Media

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Donald Trump has been left humiliated by a photo of him at a tiny desk inside the White House, which went viral after it was tweeted by a reporter working for CNN.

The photo was taken by Kaitlan Collins, White House correspondent for the network and long-time sparring partner of the Trump team, who was on duty on Thanksgiving when Trump phoned the troops.

The US president spoke from a small table pictured inside the Diplomatic Reception Room - a ground floor room that leads to the South Lawn.

It was the president's first Thanksgiving at the White House: in 2017 and 2018 he was at Mar-a-Lago, and last year he made a trip to Afghanistan to celebrate with the troops.

Collins' photo was not the only one taken of Trump at the table - a photographer from Getty was also capturing the moment, as was Reuters correspondent Jeff Mason, who posted images on Twitter.

But it was Collins' picture which went viral, with 2,300 'likes'.

'President Trump is holding a video teleconference with members of the military throughout the world. He's calling in from the Diplomatic Reception Room,' she captioned her photo.

Some noted that he was sitting next to an undecorated Christmas tree - mockingly suggesting that the First Lady had decided against decorating this year.

In July 2018, Melania was recorded in a phone conversation complaining about having to decorate the White House, saying: 'Who gives a **** about Christmas stuff?'

Others, however, were amused by the sight of the president at what they termed 'the kids' table'.

The phrase 'Diaper Don' began trending on Twitter.

'He's at the kiddie table,' said one.

'Awww, he looks so cute at that little desk,' laughed another.

Another commented: 'When I first saw this I thought it was political cartoon of him being at a kids table, then I realized it was real.'

Memes of the US president with crayons at the tiny table began circulating, and spoofed images of him playing with childrens' toys.

'Looks like he is using a 4th graders desk, and borrowed the Presidential seal from his Golf Cart!' said one man.

Another added: 'When I was leaving my job & training my replacement, I had to sit at at a folding table while my replacement got my office. LOL. My crappy folding table was twice this size.'