Iran Intelligence Ministry: Clues Found on Top Scientist’s Assassination

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said some clues have been found on the assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

In a statement late on Sunday, the Iranian Intelligence Ministry offered condolences on the martyrdom of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

It further said that “clues on ... this terrorist attack have been found through intelligence work whose details will be made public later”.

Fakhrizadeh, who headed the Iranian Defense Ministry’s Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), was targeted on Friday in a multi-pronged terror attack involving at least one explosion and small fire by a number of assailants in Absard city of Damavand County, Tehran Province.

Iranian government officials and military commanders have hinted that the Israeli regime could have been behind the terror attack, vowing harsh revenge against all the criminals involved.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that Israel was behind the assassination, citing three US officials.

“One American official — along with two other intelligence officials — said that Israel was behind the attack on the scientist,” the paper said.

“It was unclear how much the United States may have known about the operation in advance, but the two nations are the closest of allies and have long shared intelligence regarding Iran,” it added.