Dozens of Palestinians Injured as Israeli Forces Suppress Marches Rejecting Settlements (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Palestinian protesters injured in clash with members of Israeli police following a protest against the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank City of Salfit.

Dozens of Palestinian protesters were injured by rubber-coated rounds while others suffocated from teargas today, after Israeli occupation forces attacked them while demonstrating against the colonial Israeli settlements near the town of Salfit, in the center of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli occupation soldiers fired rubber-coated rounds and stun grenades at the protesters to disperse them, injuring over 30 protesters and causing many cases of suffocation from gas inhalation.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, Deputy Chairman of ruling Fatah Movement, and Walid Assaf, the Head of the Palestinian Government's Committee Against Settlements and the Apartheid Wall, were among the protesters who suffocated after being attacked with teargas by the occupation forces.

According to Al-WAFA news, the Palestinain protesters were holding a nonviolent demonstration against Israel's plan to confiscate more Palestinian land in the area for the benefit of the Israeli colonial settlement enterprise. In recent weeks, illegal Israeli settlers placed caravans in the same area in a prelude to establish a new settlement.