Zarif Slams German FM Remarks on JCPOA, Reminds EU3 of Obligations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif hit back at his German counterpart for the idea of a new deal with Tehran including limits on its missile power, saying the three European parties to the JCPOA must honor their commitments before speaking about what Iran should do.

In a post on his Twitter account on Friday, Zarif said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and the three EU parties to the 2015 nuclear deal must do the following “before speaking about what Iran should do.”

“Stop despicable Covid Apartheid, honor your obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 2231, and stop violating JCPOA,” Zarif said.

He also urged Germany to end “malign behavior” in the region, including the “$100 billion arms sales to Persian Gulf and blind support for Israel terror.”

He attached the image of a story by TRT World which highlighted Germany’s discrimination against Palestinians by including Israel, not Palestine, in its European vaccine program.

Zarif made the remarks after Maas said that a new broader Iran nuclear accord must be reached to rein in Tehran’s ballistic missile program, claiming that the 2015 deal was no longer enough.