Protesters March over St. Paul Officer Shooting of Black Man (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Protesters marched against police brutality Friday, nearly a week after an officer shot a man in St. Paul, US state of Minnesota.

Protesters were seen gathering outside one of the city's police stations, holding pictures of police brutality victims and signs demanding justice for George Floyd, CBS reported.

Protesters were subsequently seen marching and chanting "if we don't get no justice, they don't get no peace."

Bodycam footage released on Tuesday shows how on November 28 a St. Paul police officer shot 31-year-old Joseph Javonte Washington at least twice.

The bodycam footage shows Washington getting out of a dumpster he had been hiding in and running toward police officers naked and unarmed.

The police officer who fired the shots has since been fired by St. Paul police.

Washington was a suspect in an earlier domestic violence and home break-in incident. He has been charged with criminal conduct, kidnapping and assault and is currently recovering from his injuries in a hospital.