Iran Pledges Legal Action on Leakage of IAEA Confidential Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to Vienna-based international organizations said Tehran will be taking serious legal action against the disclosure of information about its nuclear activities that were contained in an IAEA report.

In an interview with IRINN on Saturday, Kazem Gharibabadi said the history of Iran’s legal protests against the IAEA over its failure to preserve confidential information dates back to more than two decades ago.

“All Safeguards and JCPOA reports as well as Iran’s correspondence with the IAEA and vice versa are confidential. The IAEA shares its reports in its internal site, only accessible to its member states,” he added.

The envoy said Iran has already asked the IAEA to minimize the amount of details it gives the member states in its reports and avoid providing them with non-essential information, Press TV reported.

Gharibabadi said in Iran’s view, the IAEA is responsible to protect confidential information, and if there is any flaw in this communication mechanism, it must be revised substantially.

His comments came after Reuters quoted a confidential IAEA report as saying that Iran plans to install three more cascades, or clusters, of advanced IR-2m centrifuges in the enrichment plant in the central city of Natanz.