Iran’s Supreme Court Upholds Death Sentence for Admin of Counterrevolutionary Website

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence issued by the country’s Islamic Revolution Courthouse against Rouhollah Zam, the administrator of a notorious counterrevolutionary website, the Judiciary’s spokesman said.

“The Supreme Court addressed the case more than a month ago, upholding the sentence that had been issued by the Islamic Revolution Courthouse (against Zam),” Gholam-Hossein Esmaeili said at a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday.

Zam was handed down the sentence back in June after being convicted of corruption on earth, among other crimes.

His website, Amad News, was notorious for disseminating incriminating content against Iran’s Islamic establishment and insulting the sanctities of Iranian Muslims and publishing fake news in order to drive a wedge between the Iranian people and government.

Iran arrested Zam in 2019 following a complicated intelligence operation by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corp (IRGC) Intelligence Organization, which involved deceiving intelligence services of some Western countries especially France, under whose guidance and protection Zam was operating.