Iran Urges Japan to Release Assets

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on Japan to release the Islamic Republic’s financial resources.

In a meeting with the new ambassador of Japan to Tehran on Tuesday, Rouhani stressed the need for the release of Iran’s financial resources held in Tokyo and for the rapid implementation of the joint agreements.

Iran is eager to boost cooperation with Japan as a major country in East Asia, he said, adding that Tehran welcomes the expansion of economic and scientific relations with Tokyo.

The president also expressed hope that the new conditions would result in the presence of more Japanese companies in Iran for the development of national scientific and technological projects.

For his part, Japanese Ambassador Kazutoshi Aikawa said Tokyo is resolved to promote interaction with Tehran in the fields of mutual interest.

Describing Japan and Iran as two close partners, the envoy said implementation of a technical cooperation agreement would provide ample opportunities for mutual cooperation.

Kazutoshi expressed Japan’s full support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saying his country will stand by Iran.